
It’s our job to make professional service organizations’ institutional information and knowledge valuable.

Ilves Search

Know more, search less. Get the information you need from one place.

“Ilves Search is our single point tactic to access organizational data. The response from our lawyers has been immensely positive”. Janne Ala-Sippola, Fondia

Eversheds Attorneys uses Ilves Search optimised for lawyers.

Time is money

Estimate now how much staff time Ilves Search can save for more skilled tasks.


We have years’ of experience in offering demanding search solutions and integrations.

We developed a user-friendly targeting tool Yritysfiltteri Pro for Asiakastieto Oy.

Ilves MyActivities

Boost the bottom-line by quickly capturing billable activities on your personal daily timeline.

NEW! Microsoft Azure AI integration.

Legal Tech and Legal Management Consulting

We accelerate the digital transformation of the legal profession.

Get digital superpowers in the areas of innovation & strategy, service design, legal technology, knowledge management & data.

Find the documents and messages you need for your job in one place. Learn more about the lightning-fast Ilves enterprise search productivity software.

AI Add-on: Quick context formation from search results, comparison, and discussion of context. Natural language search coming soon.

Ilves MyActivities

Quickly capture billable activities from one place and easily drag and drop them into your time sheet. Learn more about the benefits of automated time tracking.

AI Add-on: Enhance time entry automation with our new AI integration.

Find client and matter documents, messages, and other client-related data in one place. Learn more

AI Add-on: We customize views of the past or forecasts of the future according to your needs using AI.

Ilves EMIE

We consolidate critical business information into one place, helping large and mediums-sized law firms focus on clients and growth. Learn more about our services and our unique offerings, including our data integration platform, Ilves EMIE. We offer modern, ambitious law firms a faster way to build a competitive edge by harnessing the value data of their data with AI.

“Ilves MyActivities Pro is a super easy-to-use and elegant time tracker product for lawyers.” – Oskari Gestrin, Chief Financial Officer

“Ilves Search consolidates information from our various data sources into one place, significantly saving our staff work time and improving productivity.” – Juho Härme, Director of ICT and Digitalisation

“Ilveshaku is our single point tactic to access organizational data. Our lawyers are now only one or two clicks away from the information they need. The response from our lawyers has been immensely positive”. Janne Ala-Sippola, Fondia

Eversheds Attorneys uses Ilveshaku enterprise search optimized for lawyers.

Ilves Solutions developed a user-friendly targeting tool Yritysfiltteri Pro for Asiakastieto Oy. is a common web address for online public services for citizens. Ilves was in charge of the maintenance of the service as well as the development of the product during 2011 and 2017.

Castrén & Snellman
Eversheds Sutherland
Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority

Legal Tech Glögit Newsletter 2/2025

Read the newest version of the Legal Tech Glögit Newsletter.

Celebrating Five Years of Legal Transformation

On January 16, 2025, the Finnish legal tech network Legal Tech Glögit celebrated its five-year anniversary with a special event in Helsinki.

Digitalization and Generative Artificial Intelligence in Legal Departments

In this guest article, Fondia's Henna Tolvanen discusses the challenges of digitalization in legal departments and the utilization of generative artificial intelligence.

Legal Tech Glögit, EY Law

Legal Tech Glögit hosted by EY Law

EY Law hosted a Legal Tech Glögit network event on June 5, 2024. This time we discussed how legal tech tech can support business operations.
