Legal Tech & Legal Design in Finland Map, 2024

On August 14, 2024, the fifth edition of the Finnish Legal Tech & Legal Design Map was released during an online event. As the chair of this event, I’m excited to share the highlights with you.

What’s new in the fifth edition:

  • Fuxia: We introduce Fuxia, a new legal tech company.
  • New Categories: The map now includes additional legal tech product categories, such as AI assistants (replacing Gen AI) and board portals. Notably, the contracting process category was removed.
  • Vendor Visibility: Vendors had the opportunity to be featured in up to three categories, making it easier for potential buyers to find tailored solutions. While some solutions could have fit a fourth category, most were content with three.

The resource for you

It’s exciting to see the evolvement of Finnish legal tech and legal design sector. We hope the Finnish Legal Tech and Legal Design Map, is a powerful resource, guiding customers and professionals to navigate the ecosystem of Finnish service providers.

Learn more about the 2023 map here, and about the 2022 map here.

Event overview

Event Overview: The goal of the event was to provide participants with an overview of Finland’s legal tech and legal design services. We aimed to simplify access to these services and promote collaboration opportunities for everyone.

The Collaborative Effort: Kaisa Kromhof and I collaborated on creating the map, which showcases the leading legal tech and legal design innovators and services in Finland.

Advancements in the Finnish Legal Tech Ecosystem: The entire Finnish legal tech ecosystem is rapidly advancing, offering growth opportunities for all stakeholders. Over the past year, digitalization in the legal sector has been fueled by the developments around generative AI capabilities. Finnish legal tech companies are well-positioned to leverage AI, as demonstrated during our event.

Watch the recording of the event:

Published 14.8.2024 at 14:38
